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The farm

Contrade Serralta, Profico, Saetta and Prato

Surface area 5.48 hectares

Variety 95% Roggianella and 5% Leccino

Number of olive trees adopted 120

Number of olive trees available 680

Where Spezzano Albanese (CS) Italy

01. Activate adoption

Pay the annual contribution in the ADOPT AN OLIVE TREE NOW section.

02. Delivery of the package

You will receive a package containing 6 bottles of 500 ml of IN ERBA organic extra virgin olive oil and an Annual Adoption Certificate with your name or that of your organization.

03. Nameplate engraving

Your name or that of your organization will be engraved on a plaque, made of recycled wood, which will be placed on the olive tree.

04. I send photos and location

Subsequently, we will send you, via WhatsApp and/or email, photos and the geographical position of the adopted olive tree.

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