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to raise the quality of people's lives

to raise the quality of people's lives


Spezzano Albanese (CS), May 2020

We were in the midst of a pandemic. I remember those days, suspended in time, with the whole world holding its breath. From my olive grove, on top of the hill, I looked at the sleeping village, looking for a ray of hope in the midst of so much fear. At that moment, as a farmer, I felt the need to do something concrete, to give my contribution for a better future.

And so, I turned my gaze to my olive grove, a treasure hidden among the hills. The olive tree, with its deep roots and its wrinkled bark, is a symbol of resistance and life. Every day, this extraordinary tree offers us a precious gift: extra virgin olive oil, an elixir of well-being that nourishes the body and soul. But the traditional olive tree is not just this. It is a complex ecosystem, a refuge for countless creatures essential to our survival such as hares, porcupines, bees, and for beneficial plants such as licorice and dandelion. A green lung that purifies the air and protects us.


Yet, many olive trees, especially in the valleys of Monte Pollino where I live, have been abandoned, forgotten, because they are "not profitable", according to the detractors. I thought: why not give these plants a second chance? Why not involve people and organizations to recover these olive trees and create a nature reserve to protect our health? From here, the project to have abandoned olive trees adopted was born.



Becoming the guardian of your health is simple!

Go to the "ADOPT" section, proceed with the annual payment and indicate your data during checkout.

The award for those who adopt an olive tree includes:

n. 6 bottles of 500 ml of certified organic extra virgin olive oil extracted from the olives from the adopted olive tree;

an Annual Adoption Certificate, as evidence of the green commitment undertaken;

Photos and the geographical position of the adopted olive tree with a Tag hung in the name of the adopting person/company.

The renewal of the adoption from year to year is a free choice according to conscience.


Certificato di Adozione Enrico e Giulia.png
Foto targhetta Wedding.jpg
Certificato di Adozione Enrico e Giulia.png


Are you ready to act responsibly? I'll give you some data...


If you adopt an olive tree for at least 5 years, in addition to making a concrete contribution to the protection of biodiversity and the development of rural areas , you eliminate the CO2 generated by the production of the shoes you buy every year*.


*Source: Textiles and the environment: the role of design in Europe’s circular economy

If your company adopts one of our olive groves for at least 5 years, choose an ESG-high-value project capable to:

1. Absorb 45 kg of CO2 per year for each olive tree (GRI 305 - Emissions) measurable according to international ISO standards

2. Protect the rich biodiversity of the olive trees located in Calabria (GRI 304 - Biodiversity), habitat of different varieties of flora and fauna

3. Give a strong boost to the economic development of a marginal area (GRI 413 - Local communities) with a high unemployment rate and poor public services (hospitals, schools and transport)

4. Promote the wellness for your employees (GRI 403 - Occupational Health and Safety)  through the donation of organic extra virgin olive oil, symbol of the Mediterranean diet



Several newspapers have talked about our project. A RAI Senior crew came to visit us to find out more.
The Italian Embassy in Stockholm and ITA Stockholm have selected our project as a model of sustainable agriculture to celebrate Made Green in Italy during the VII edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World in Sweden.

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